As a business owner, your hourly rate tends to go down as time passes. You should be doing things only you can do, rather than getting pulled from one department to another. Before you know it, instead of doing £1000 an hour tasks, you’re doing £10 an hour tasks! In the end, this may be what causes the love for your business to dissipate. The concept of leverage is how to get more done in less time!
Build a system. Henry Ford is a great example; he built a brilliant system which changed the automotive industry forever. Another great example is MCDonald’s, when you buy a franchise, you’re buying a system.
The key to business success is leverage. It’s not all about money, the key is getting more done in less time.
The simplest system is a checklist, it can be scaled up into something huge. Do the work of creating and building the system once and reap the rewards continuously in the future.
Do the £1000 task of building the system once, and you will get paid the £10 tasks forever, without having to do the hard work over and over again.
If you would like a helping hand getting more done in less time… Book a complimentary strategy review with business coaches Mark Dilks and Gareth Hughes here.